Builder Points FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Builder Points (BP).

Who are the participating games and dapps in Season 3?
Waifu Clash, Spin the Wheel, Kitty Solitaire, Anomaly Pinball, BaseGod: Get Plucked, Dice-Stone, Ribbit, BBB, Word Breeze, Ethereum Blast, Snowcrest Peak, Portal Fantasy, z2048, zBingo, Crypto Rumble, Ten Sum Rings, Big 2, Rock Paper Scissor, Master Blasters, Loot-Genie and HAM
As a user, how can I earn BP?
Each dapp or game has its own unique rules. To earn Builder Points, simply follow the specific guidelines outlined by each platform. Keep in mind that BP is not earned in real-time—after the season ends, you'll be notified of the total amount you've earned.
What are the eligibility requirements and guidelines for developers to participate?
All eligible new dapps and games that deploy will receive an initial BP allocation. This allocation is adjusted based on category, performance, alignment, and growth multipliers—the better a game performs on these multipliers, the more points it earns.
How do XP and BP convert into tokens?
We haven’t set a fixed points-to-token ratio, allowing flexibility as the ecosystem evolves.
When will BP distribution for Season 3 take place?
Each season spans three weeks. Season 3 started on December 2nd
What sets BP apart from other reward systems?
BP is fully onchain, ensuring transparent and fair distribution, and is specifically designed for developers to incentivize their own user base.
What if a game or app doesn’t meet the criteria after the first Seasons?
BP allocations may decrease, but you can improve your strategy and earn more in future Seasons.
Are there bonuses or special events related to BP?
Yes, special events may offer bonus BP allocations, which will be announced in advance to boost engagement.