Bridge to B3 Testnet

Easily bridge from Base Sepolia (Base Testnet) to B3 Sepolia (B3 Testnet) by following the steps below!

  1. Connect your Wallet.

  1. Choose whether you want to bring funds from Base -> B3, or withdraw (bridge back) from B3 -> Base by clicking either the Deposit or Withdraw tabs.

  1. Enter the amount of ETH you want to bridge. (Click here you need Base Sepolia ETH)

  1. Click "Deposit", and confirm the transaction prompt that appears in your wallet.

  1. Wait a few minutes for the bridge process to complete. You can check the status in your "History" tab.

Testnet Links

Testnet Bridge

Testnet Bridge

Testnet Bridge







© 2024 Player1 Foundation

Discover B3 - the Based L3

© 2024 Player1 Foundation

Discover B3 - the Based L3

© 2024 Player1 Foundation

Discover B3 - the Based L3